It’s been so fun playing with our little bundle of joy. She’s such a cutie! I just love all of her funny little quirks. When she was in the hospital, all of the nurses called her baby tongue tricks because she was always busy sticking her tongue out. We have tagged her as Lexi Lizard. I love that I have a little two week old baby that smiles and laughs. It is the cutest thing that I’ve ever seen.
We discovered that she loves her bath, but what she loves even more are hand massages. If she is crying and you start giving her a hand massage, she can’t help but stop and get a goofy look of enjoyment on her face. It’s funny. We also are thoroughly entertained watching her get her drunk eyes as she starts to fall asleep. Her little eyes start to go cross eyed and then they roll back into her head. It makes it hard to put her to sleep because I usually start shaking from laughing so hard, and it wakes her up as I’m trying to rock her to sleep.
Princess Lexi |
Sleeping Lexi |
Little Miss Muscles |
You look so amazing after giving birth! Way to go girl.