The boy and I

The boy and I

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Conference Weekend

While Kiwi went off to be a good boy with his dad and brothers, soaking up the good word during the secret meeting where women aren't allowed, I went and hung out with my mom, and waited for the traditional text message that arrives during the closing prayer of priesthood.  Off we went!  "Ohhhh, Rets aget aready to rumbo!!!  (Lets get ready to rumble in Chinese accent).  We jumped in the car to beat the traffic down to the Chinese Gourmet :) 

After nearly dying in the car with my grandma, fetus and I safely arrived to the to the sight of endless white shirts and low quality, but delicious chinese food.  Some people say when you're pregnant, you eat for two,  I think I ate for four or five.  My family kept asking me if I was done yet, I would respond, "I am, but baby isn't."  What can I say... Lexi has quite an appetite!  So I officially took some pig pictures.  Don't judge!

Oink oink...

P.S.  For the record, Daddy is about 5 months along :)  Congrats!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Lets Give This a Try...

So I've never been much of a blogger.  In fact, I think it's a little weird, but (there's always a big but) I was bored today and decided that in order to help myself pass the time, I would check out some of my friends blogs.  I discovered, that their lives seem so excited when they paint the pages of the internet with their pictures and stories of their lives.  I asked myself, are their lives really so much more exciting than mine, or does it just appear that way because it's documented and littered with colorful images?  Then I started to justify to myself even further about how I really should be keeping a journal of some sort so that I can document our lives.  Why not have a fancy journal with pictures and dates that are automatically input for me???  So, all in all, we've decided to attempt this and see how it goes. 

We're excitedly awaiting the arrival of our little one, and want to be sure to take lots of pictures.  Maybe blogging will help us do that, and not to mention, put it out there for family and friends so they can share the experience with us and watch the little princess grow up.  So here goes nothing...